How to have work/life balance as a business owner.

When was the last time you took a break?

Being a business owner often means extra freedom but also extra long work hours. You may have traded the schedule set by your boss for the freedom to set your own hours, but that often means we are working way more than 40 hours a week, particularly when you are first starting out. In my case, I am still find myself sometimes working much more than 40 hours per week, both out of love for my work, but also a lack of clear work/life separation.

It is possible to have a thriving and super successful business, while still having the time and freedom to truly enjoy your life. Here are a few ways to make that happen now:

  1. Outsource more work. Whether it’s personal tasks, domestic tasks, or business tasks, are there things you could be outsourcing? Virtual Assistants are plentiful and finding one that can help you with the less impactful business tasks (or the ones you hate), can leave you more time AND allow you to focus on the things that will move your business further. Basically you can work less hours and make more money.

  2. Raise your prices. Decide how many clients you can take on or how many hours you want to work and work backwards. For example, if you can only coach 10 clients a week, raise your prices once you max that number out and start to have a waiting list.

  3. Set a real schedule for yourself. I love the freedom of being able to work at any time and work as late as I need to, but that sometimes means that I am far less productive during my hours because I know that I can always work longer. Setting a tighter schedule means that I have been much more productive in far fewer hours. Depending on your job, you also have the ability to set your ideal working schedule - whether that means having Fridays and all weekends off, or doing meetings only before 10am. Figure out what works for you. (I always think of the skiers in college who would cram their classes and work onto Tuesdays and Thursdays so they could ski Friday through Monday!)

  4. Take whole days off from your business…even if you’re just starting out. You may want to - or feel that you need to - work 7 days a week in your business but taking full days off not only gives you a break from your work, but also allows you to be more objective and creative with ideas for your business. My best inspiration comes when I am on a hike or exploring a new coastal town. You need that white space for your brain to embrace creativity, and you will be much more focused when you return to work.

  5. Use your morning time wisely. Resist the urge to check your phone or start on business until you’ve had time to do something for yourself personally - whether that’s a workout session, journaling, reading, drinking a cup of coffee in silence, etc. It will make you feel anchored for the rest of your day and ensure that you are doing something for yourself.

By creating some boundaries around your business, you can free yourself up for the things you enjoy. Try these ideas and see which help you build the best work/life balance. You created your business with the hopes of creating a life you enjoy - make sure you don’t lose sight of that!

- Valerie


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