How visualization can help you achieve your goals.

Can you visualize your way to success?

There is a reason why Olympians utilize visualization - imagining the path you need to take can have a huge impact on your success, particularly when you have ambitious goals.

There have even been studies showing the benefits of visualization on muscle strength. Researchers from The Cleveland Clinic Foundation in Ohio conducted a small study in which they asked one group of participants to imagine flexing their biceps (with no movement) and the other group to actual work out their biceps. The group who actually worked out increased their strength by 53%, while those who just imagined the physical activity were stronger by 13.4%! This small study has also been produced elsewhere.

The study showed that neural pathways were strengthened during visualization, which made it easier for their brains to communicate with their muscles. The same principle works when you’re envisioning the path to achieving your goals. Not only does it help make it easier to achieve your goals, but you can use it for a multitude of benefits.

  1. Motivation. If you’re focusing on really ambitious goals, being able to visualize the end benefits daily can keep you motivated to continue putting in the hard work to make everything possible. It also keeps your goals in the forefront of your mind if you’re spending time thinking about them each day.

  2. Problem-solving. Have you ever gone to bed thinking about an issue and woke up with a solution? Visualization can work in the same way. You can visualize an issue you’re having and work through it by picturing the ways that you can overcome it.

  3. Creative brainstorming. I love to put on my AirPods and play some music and think about my annual goals. I often come up with really impactful ideas that have made a huge difference in my business.

  4. Make it easier to follow your path to success. Just like Olympic skiers who picture their course, by focusing on the steps to achieving your goals, you will make it easier for your brain to guide you in the right direction. It will literally become “muscle memory” for you.

    By creating some boundaries around your business, you can free yourself up for the things you enjoy. Try these ideas and see which help you build the best work/life balance. You created your business with the hopes of creating a life you enjoy - make sure you don’t lose sight of that!

I strongly suggest to my clients that they try visualization. You can start very simply and there are several ways to achieve it. Try these this week:

  • Close your eyes for a minimum of 5 minutes and think about all of the steps you need to take to achieve one of your goals this week or month. Choose something short-term while you get comfortable with visualization. For example, visualize a presentation you need to give and how you want it to go. Visualize it over and over.

  • Put AirPods in, close your eyes, and listen to motivating music while brainstorming growth or brand ideas for your business. Keep a notebook nearby so you can jot down any fresh ideas.

  • Close your eyes for a minimum of 5 minutes and imagine how it will feel to achieve your ideal life and business. How do you feel? Visualize everything in a very detailed way - what are you doing, how do you look, what are you feeling, who are you with, etc. Picture it as if you’re watching a movie of your dream life. Repeat often when you need a motivational boost.

I use all 3 methods above, but you may find that one works better for you. Give it a try and comment below on how it went!



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How to have work/life balance as a business owner.