5 time management hacks for childfree entrepreneurs.

Ready to conquer the world and make the most of your childfree time while building your business empire? These time management tips are designed exclusively for women who are rocking the childfree-by-choice lifestyle. Get ready to tackle your to-do list, maximize your productivity, and still have time for play.

  1. Prioritize with purpose. When you’re childfree, you have the luxury of setting your own priorities without little ones vying for your attention. Embrace this advantage by identifying your most important tasks and focusing on them exclusively. I make a point of setting 3-5 priorities every morning that I need to accomplish in order to feel successful. Remember, not everything is important, so choose wisely, say no or delegate the unnecessary, and take back your time. You’ll be amazed at how much your business will grow (and how much happier you’ll be) with this one little step. (Also, I recommend reading the book Essentialism, by Greg McKeown for more on setting priorities.)

  2. Embrace time blocks. Time-blocking is your secret weapon for optimizing your schedule. Set dedicated time blocks for different tasks or activities, ensuring that you’re spending your time in ways that benefit you and your business. Whether it’s client work, brainstorming sessions, or taking a break to go hiking, immersing yourself fully in these blocks will turbocharge your productivity (and help you beat burnout). Say hello to focused efficiency!

  3. Say goodbye to distractions. Identify your biggest time stealers and distractions, whether it’s social media, binging Netflix, or doom-scrolling. Implement strategies like setting boundaries (I can watch Netflix after 8pm), use productivity apps, or reward yourself for staying on track. One tip I love is to pop in my airpods and listen to the same song on repeat to keep me focused. I promise, it works!

  4. Delegate and conquer. Remember, being childfree doesn’t mean you have to take on every project at work or do everything solo. Smart business owners and side hustlers know the power of delegation. Identify tasks that don’t require your personal touch, and consider outsourcing or collaborating with professionals who can pick up the slack. By freeing up your time, you can focus on the core aspects of building your business and propel it to new heights (see point 1 on priorities)!

  5. Nurture yourself…and your productivity. Self-care is not a luxury - it’s an essential ingredient for maintaining productivity and persistence. Take breaks, eat regular and enjoyable meals, engage in physical activity, and participate in activities that make you happy! As a childfree entrepreneur, you have the freedom to prioritize self-care and self-development, without compromising family responsibilities. Embrace opportunities to recharge and watch your business grow.

Use these tips when you need a productivity boost, but it’s not all about scheduling every moment of your life. Remember to always embrace the fun, freedom, and excitement of running your business!

- Valerie


4 ways to be more playful in business.


The power of being a childfree business owner.