4 ways to be more playful in business.

Have you ever woken up and realized that you aren’t really that much fun anymore? Or do you feel stagnant in your business? As a childfree business owner, you have the ability (and time) to be spontaneous, but sometimes you’re so focused on growing your business that you forget to embrace your freedom and have fun. Try these tips when you need to get out of a professional rut.

  1. Take it to the playground. Literally or figuratively, find a fun place to hold your next business meeting or brainstorming session. My favorite brainstorming sessions happen while I’m in the car (just make sure to pull over to make notes)! It’s amazing how a change of scenery can reinvigorate your thinking.

  2. Gamify everything. I find ways to gamify pretty much everything, because deep down, we’re all still kids at heart. Even if you’re your only employee, find a way to compete against previous sales goals, marketing stats, revenue predictions, etc. but just make sure to give yourself a prize if you beat your goals!

  3. Be curious. To a certain extent, we all lose our sense of childlike wonder as we learn more about the world (except when it comes to dogs, I still yell “dog” like a toddler every time I see one). Reigniting your curiosity could be a huge benefit to your business - it helps you be a better problem solver and more creative when coming up with ways to grow your business. One way to start cultivating your sense of wonder is to trade 3 interesting things or facts you learned or saw each day with your partner, spouse, sibling, friend, etc. It helps you notice the cool things you see during your day, which makes you appreciate them even more.

  4. Take playful breaks throughout the day. Use your breaks to do fund things - read a fun book, do a puzzle, go for a swim or a bike ride, get an ice cream, get a cupcake with a friend, or anything that breaks up your work mode for a bit. Bonus: putting activities on your calendar and creating a little anticipation can boost your joy.

Remember, you’re creating a business so that you have more freedom and joy - make sure to build that into each day!

Action Step: Add one fun break to your work schedule for the week and see how it boosts your mood.

- Valerie


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