Discovering your core values

It wasn’t until I became a coach myself - and was being coached - that I really understood why core values are so important. They can serve as your blueprint when making both big and small decisions. If you are a creator, solopreneur, or small business owner, they can often also become your brand or the culture that you try to build at your workplace.

I once had a coaching client who got offered what seemed on paper to be her dream job, however, she quickly realized that as family was her number one core value, this job would end up being a disappointment because it required her to move thousands of miles away from her immediate and extended family. This was also part of the reason that her last “dream job” ended up being a nightmare for her. After turning the job down, she went on to find a similar dream job that allowed her to work remotely from anywhere in the world and at the last check-in she was still ecstatic about her “luck” at finding this perfect fit.

Working on core values is now one of the first things I do with new clients so we can get a look at the landscape that will help guide their decisions.

If you want to try discovering your 3-5 core values, check out the free Core Value Workbook!


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