Is business coaching worth it for women entrepreneurs?

Woman entrepreneur at table with laptop, mug, and notebook.

I had two major dreams when I set out to be a business coach: (1) to help my clients create or grow profitable and successful businesses, and (2) to create a culture that embraces the idea that coaching or mentorship is an incredible tool for all women.

I strongly believe that everyone could benefit personally and professionally from private coaching or mentoring, and it’s backed up by the statistics (all from an ICF Global Study):

  • 99% of companies or individuals who hire coaches are satisfied or very satisfied.

  • The median return on investment (ROI) for a coaching package was 7 times the investment.

  • 80% of coaching clients improved their self-confidence and self-esteem with the help of coaching.

Read on for some of the benefits you can expect when working with a private business or life coach.

Coaches are objective. I have so many stories of clients presenting their business idea to friends and family, only to have them shot down. Remember that your parents and friends have an emotional attachment to the decisions that you make and they have different values than you. Family in particular can be focused on your financial stability and success, so will view your business idea as too risky an endeavor. Coaches are here to listen to your goals and work with you to weigh the risks and rewards, and make a plan to achieve them. While coaches always want to see our clients succeed, we don’t have an emotional attachment to your business or goals, so we can be more measured and objective.

Coaching is a personalized experience. Sure you can read a hundred business books or take a bunch of courses, but private coaching is a highly personalized process. I always focus on my clients’ strengths and ensuring that we use them to their best advantage. I also shape the process to fit whatever the client most needs from the process - whether it’s inspiration, accountability, problem-solving, mindset and confidence, or setting ambitious goals (and sometimes it’s all of them)!

Coaches are laser-focused on your success. While we may not have an emotional attachment, we are committed to seeing you succeed. When I meet with a private coaching client for the first time, we set goals for what we hope to achieve in the 12 sessions and then I am laser focused in ensuring they get there. Think of it as having two ambitious women working together to get you across the finish line!

Coaches will push you. Get ready to succeed on levels you never imagined possible. Not only do I push clients to set ambitious goals, but I challenge them to step outside their comfort zone. We do it in small steps, but they add up quickly for amazing results. If you’re ready to level up your business and/or life, working with a coach will get you there faster.

Coaches will keep you focused and accountable. Sometimes you just need that person to keep you on track with weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly meetings. We help our clients set small goals or “homework” in between sessions to keep you on track to achieve your bigger goals. There are so many resources and knowledge and advice out there nowadays that it can be hard to stay singularly focused on your goals. We can help you avoid the analysis paralysis and take direct and impactful action to get you to your goals faster.

Coaching is an efficient (and magical!) way to level up your business or life and get the most out of your efforts. If you would like to check out the power of coaching for free, try a free 45-minute coaching session. Regardless of whether you continue with coaching, a free session will help you decide if private coaching is right for you at this point in your life and business. It’s a great free resource for women starting or growing their businesses, so be brave and check it out!



100 Women Project: Laura Cui, Co-Owner and Tattoo Artist, Fortune Teller Tattoo


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