10 Productivity tips for your most successful business year yet.

Businesswoman working on a couch.

As a woman business owner, you understand the value of time and the importance of maximizing every moment. You may be dedicated to achieving big things this year, but staying productive and focused can be hard. Productivity is one of the recurring topics that comes up in business coaching, because productivity can be the difference between reaching your goal now…or in 5 years. Below is a curated list of game-changing productivity tips specifically for women business owners who want to achieve significant growth this year.

Master the art of prioritization. You have to start using your time wisely. Start by identifying your top 3 priorities each day and focus on tackling them first. This ensures that even if the day doesn’t go as planned, you’ve made significant progress on your most crucial tasks. I recommend setting your priorities the day before as you are closing out your workday so that you can hit the ground running in the morning.

Embrace time blocking. Take control of your schedule by blocking out specific time slots for different activities. Whether it’s dedicated hours (or days!) for client meetings, creative brainstorming, or administrative tasks, compartmentalizing your day helps minimize distractions and keeps you focused on your goals. I love Rachel Rodger’s schedule breakdown in Plan Your Year Like a Millionaire, where she talks about her “extrovert days” - i.e., meeting days - and then “introvert” days for deep creative work.

Leverage technology. Empower yourself with the right tools and systems to streamline your work. From project management platforms like Asana or Trello to time-tracking apps (try Toggl), technology can be a game-changer in optimizing efficiency and organization.

Implement a 5-minute rule. If a task takes less than 5 minutes to complete, do it immediately. Whether it’s responding to emails (during your email time-block!), making a quick phone call, or jotting down a few notes, tackling the small tasks before they end up on your to-do list will help give you momentum (and not allow them to drain your energy). Just make sure you are handling them at appropriate times and not using them as procrastination for your bigger tasks!

Cultivate a morning routine. Anchor your day with a mindful morning routine that sets the tone for a successful day. You may have to experiment a bit to find out what works. Try exercising, followed by creative brainstorming, for an energetic morning boost, or if you are someone that likes to ease into your day, you can try meditation, journaling, yoga, or reading. My favorite morning routine is a quick workout, followed by coffee and an inspiring business audiobook or podcast, and then a creative brainstorming session. It sets the tone for a day of problem-solving and creativity.

Embrace the power of delegation. You can’t do it all, nor should you try to. Delegate tasks that fall outside your zone of genius to trusted employees or outsourcing partners. By relinquishing control over minor tasks, you free up valuable time to focus on strategic growth initiatives.

Practice the Pomodoro Technique. Break your day into manageable intervals of focused work punctuated by short breaks. Set a timer for 25-minutes of uninterrupted work, followed by a 5-minute break. Rinse and repeat. This technique is great for preventing burnout while still being productive. You can read more about it here.

Learn to say no with grace. Oh, this is a big one (and possibly the hardest). Saying no to personal or professional commitments that don’t align with your long-term goals can be crucial to freeing up time for yourself. While it can be tempting to take on every opportunity that comes your way when you’re starting or growing a business, strategic growth happens when you’re willing to prioritize your vision above all else.

Set-up systems and automation. Identify the repetitive tasks in your workflow and automate them wherever possible. Whether it’s email autoresponders, social media scheduling tools, or invoice reminders, automation frees up your time to focus on high-impact activities that drive business growth. Also, don’t invent the wheel every time. Start writing down checklists and systems for tasks and projects that come up regularly.

Honor your boundaries. Establish clear boundaries between your business and your personal life. This can be hard when you’re passionate about growing your business, but overworking can stifle your creativity and ability to make strategic decisions. Remember, you are your business’ biggest asset. Also, you created your business for more freedom, so enjoy it!

Building your business this year will take motivation, ambition, and a singular focus on getting important sh*t done. By implementing these productivity tips into your day, you’re not only maximizing your efficiency, but also laying the foundation for sustainable business growth and success. Remember, productivity isn’t about doing more or burning yourself out, it’s about doing what matters most.



Want a more profitable business? Change your mindset.


Part 2: The guide to bigger (and better) goal-setting.